
Kunal Agarwal is a director at Inter Pacific Advisors Private Limited. He is a commerce graduate from Delhi University and a qualified Chartered Accountant.

Kunal possesses over 8 years of extensive professional experience post qualification in the field of Regulatory and Taxation. He has worked with other consulting firms in India wherein he has played a key role in advising clients on tax and regulatory aspects. He has been involved in advising clients on varied domestic and international tax matters for mitigating tax exposures and ensuring compliance. He has served several clients in a cross-section of industries on diverse matters relating to entry strategy, acquisitions, exit structures, taxation laws both direct and indirect and transaction advisory, etc.

Kunal places great emphasis on building and sustaining relationships in the digital age. He is an inclusive leader who believes that the true value resides in people, and is passionate about helping his team unearth their maximum potential. His passion and commitment drive him towards creating solutions with a global approach.